We want to make sure every purchase is killer, but we all make mistakes sometimes… and if you think we might have in any case, we’ll try make it better.
To be eligible for a return, your item must:
- Be within 14 days of purchase
- Be in the same condition that it was when delivered
- Be with it’s original packaging
- Have a receipt/proof of purchase
If you are requesting a return, please email returns@spikevintage.com and send your item addressed to us at:
PO Box 6378
Once your item is received and inspected, we will send you an email to notify you that we have received your returned item. We will also notify you of the approval or rejection of your return.
If you are approved, then your return will be processed, and a store credit will automatically be applied to your account, in a form of a personalised code redeemable for any item in store.
* please note, postage costs will not be included in credit amount.*